Business End Articles

Our First Farmers Market Experience as VENDORS

I can't believe we are actually vendors at a farmers market! We set out to accomplish this goal last year, and it is awesome to see it come to fruition. I’m not going to lie, I was a nervous wreck the week leading up to our local farmers market. I had made a farmers...

Review Of The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook

About The Organic Farmer's Business Handbook Farming offers fundamental satisfaction from producing food, working outdoors, being one's own boss, and working intimately with nature. Unfortunately, many farmers avoid learning about the business end of farming; because...
What Is REKO And How Can It Benefit Market Farmers?

What Is REKO And How Can It Benefit Market Farmers?

I’m going to be honest here. I had no idea what a REKO was before I started researching avenues to sell our market farm produce. In fact, it was actually Jon, my husband who initially told me about them. I figured I was not the only one who was in the dark about this...

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Our Experience Using Fiverr For A Logo Design

Our Experience Using Fiverr For A Logo Design

“Let’s get a logo designed on Fiverr,” I said. “It will be quick and cheap,” I said. Hey, I’m Kathy. My husband Jon and I are starting a market garden in the spring of 2021. We wanted to get a logo made in early 2021, mostly so that we had a brand and actually felt...

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