Get To Know Your Grower Better Questionnaire | Declan

Get To Know Your Grower Better Questionnaire | Declan

Today I interviewed my oldest son, Declan in this installment of Get To Know Your Grower.  He is 12 years old and is a big help around the farm as well as the farmer’s market. Declan hates to be bored, so he is always outside doing something, from trampolining to...
Get to Know Your Grower Better Questionnaire | Kathy

Get to Know Your Grower Better Questionnaire | Kathy

We are pretty new on the market garden scene, so I thought that answering this questionnaire would be a fun way to get to know me better. We have an about us page, but this is a bit more informal and fun! If you’re into it, I would love to hear your answers to...
Our Experience As New Market Gardeners: The First Few Months

Our Experience As New Market Gardeners: The First Few Months

Ok, so I am not even sure I should be writing this. After all, we are trying to start a SUCCESSFUL market farm, and writing about our pitfalls as new market gardeners does not exactly exude success. However, I want to be as transparent as possible so that those who...

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