How To Harvest Peppers Early For Maximum Profit

How To Harvest Peppers Early For Maximum Profit

It’s a fact, people love peppers. I mean who doesn’t love that sweet crunch of a fresh, locally grown red pepper?  MMMmmmm, just thinking about it is getting me hyped for this summer delight! The best part about growing peppers as a market farmer is the earlier you...
How To Make Soil Block Trays For Your Market Farm

How To Make Soil Block Trays For Your Market Farm

In order to reduce cost, as well as the number of plastics we’re using on our market farm, we decided to make our own soil block trays for starting our seedlings this year.  We made 3-sided and 4-sided seedling trays because we are not sure which design we will...
Edamame: An Interesting, Warm Weather, Easy-care Crop

Edamame: An Interesting, Warm Weather, Easy-care Crop

Every time my husband and I go out for sushi (once in a blue moon!) we have to order a bowl of delicious, steamy, salty edamame.  It’s a must. Sushi just does not taste the same without an edamame appetizer. So, you can imagine how excited I am to learn how to grow...
Celery: More Than Just A Caesar Garnish?

Celery: More Than Just A Caesar Garnish?

I’m joking with this title, of course! Celery is way more than just a caesar garnish. It’s also a peanut butter boat, and a healthy, delicious juice. Seriously though, there are lots of ways to enjoy celery and it is becoming a popular item at the farmer’s market. The...
Rutabagas: A Hardy Crop To Grow In Unforgiving Climates

Rutabagas: A Hardy Crop To Grow In Unforgiving Climates

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know a whole lot about rutabagas.  All I know is that mixed with apples and a crumble on top, they are a tasty side dish at Thanksgiving dinners. Or am I thinking about turnips? Ah well, let’s learn about rutabagas from our...

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