Okra: Should You Grow This Veg On Your Market Farm?

Okra: Should You Grow This Veg On Your Market Farm?

I’m gonna be honest here, okra is not my favourite veggie in the world. I have tried it a couple of times, and each time I was quite underwhelmed (of course this may have  something to do with my cooking skills!) However, as we know by now, it doesn’t matter what my...
How To Grow Profitable Microgreens INDOORS On Your Market Farm

How To Grow Profitable Microgreens INDOORS On Your Market Farm

Microgreens have been growing in popularity over the years, so there is no better time to start growing and selling your own than now! I mean, who doesn’t love pea shoots? I for one, love fresh sprouts so I am very interested in growing our own, and hopefully not eat...
How To Grow Chicory For A Unique Mesclun Mix

How To Grow Chicory For A Unique Mesclun Mix

While you may have never tasted chicory, chances are you have passed by it in the produce section of your grocery store. I know I am guilty of passing it right on by, mainly because I have no idea what to do with it! Chicory is also known as endive and is not a hugely...
Mesclun Mix: How To Grow These Popular And Profitable Greens

Mesclun Mix: How To Grow These Popular And Profitable Greens

I am an avid salad eater, I mean, I love me a big salad, you can just call me Elaine Benes.  However, when we were discussing crops to grow this year, my husband Jon mentioned mesclun mix and I had no idea what the heck he was talking about. He informed me that it was...
Leeks: An Easy To Grow, Tasty, Hardy, Eye-Catching Crop!

Leeks: An Easy To Grow, Tasty, Hardy, Eye-Catching Crop!

If you are unfamiliar with leeks, they have a mellow onion-like flavour with no pungency. They are kind of like a super-sized green onion. However, they are not onions. For growers, leeks are a wonderful, tasty, hardy, attractive vegetable that is fairly easy to grow...

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