I’m going to be honest here. I had no idea what a REKO was before I started researching avenues to sell our market farm produce.
In fact, it was actually Jon, my husband who initially told me about them.
I figured I was not the only one who was in the dark about this method of sales, so I thought a little information session would be beneficial to anyone interested in supporting local small-scale producers (like us!)
What is REKO?
The purpose of a REKO Network is to create a direct relationship between customers and small-scale producers.
The ultimate goal is to have a market of fresh, healthy, locally grown produce while also supporting small-scale producers.
REKO is a Finnish trade model, meaning fair consumption.
How does REKO work?
Well, you’re going to have to use Facebook for this.
If you are not a fan of Facebook, maybe consider getting an account solely for the purpose of supporting small businesses.
You don’t have to look up every person you have ever known, unless you want to. Then by all means…
Anyways, I digress.
REKO Networks is an online, Facebook-based platform that allows direct sales from producers to customers.
As a consumer, it allows you to buy local goods easily, without any middle-man. Directly from the source.
It is an opportunity to talk directly to the producers and ask any questions that you may have about their products.
REKO is a great way to support and encourage local self-sufficiency and strengthen the community around local food and its producers.
Ordering Process
The goal of REKO is to have a sale every week. However, this schedule might vary throughout the year and on holidays.
What happens is that on the REKO Facebook page, producers post what they have for sale that week, and consumers comment with the quantity they want to order.
The producer will confirm the order.
The order is then binding and all the goods must be picked up at the agreed time.
Important Notes:
- The Facebook page only shows posts about the next sale, all previous posts are erased for clarity purposes.
- The page does not allow discussions or posts from customers, only ads from producers.
- Customers should avoid asking questions in the comment section but are welcome to contact the producer directly.
How to Sell Through A REKO Network
If you are a producer interested in selling through a REKO Network in your area, all you have to do is send a private message to the admin of the group on Facebook and tell them you are interested in joining and they will send you a producer application form.
There are some guidelines you will have to follow in order to use the REKO Network successfully:
- All posts should begin with the date and location of the sale
- Post must describe clearly: product, price, and quantity
- The post should include a brief statement about the farm/company and describe the manufacturing process or growing methods
- Only one post per producer
- No sale on the spot: just sales of pre-ordered goods allowed
- Producers are encouraged to give online, or printed info about farm/products to customers
- It is the producer’s responsibility to comply with Ontario Laws regarding food handling and taxes
- REKO Networks only allow the sale of products or by-products 100% made by the producer
- Admins approve all sale posts and have the right to exclude members who do not follow the group’s rules
- Producers must post no longer than one week before the sale (except if deliveries are monthly or biweekly)
- Customers must place orders before ordering deadline specific to each producer
How To Find Your Local REKO Network
Honestly, the easiest way to find a REKO Network near you is to Google it.
Simply type in “REKO Network [place]” and if there is one near you, it should be easy to find.
If there is no REKO network near you, consider starting one yourself if you think there is a need for this kind of organization in your area.
Who Runs the REKO Network?
A REKO Network is volunteer-based.
Those who initiate and manage a REKO Network do NOT receive any compensation.
Anyone with a passion or interest in local food can start a REKO network.
If this sounds like a good idea for you and you’re Canadian, you can email and inquire about it here:
Bottom Line
I think this is an awesome organization and something that all small-scale producers should be a part of to promote local sustainability and to create a direct relationship with customers.
Even my dislike for Facebook will not stop us from joining this amazing community!
We are especially interested in joining the REKO Network in our community because we are brand new.
It is a great way to introduce ourselves and get our produce directly into consumers hands.
As well, we are not offering a CSA program this year, so this is a great opportunity to deliver weekly produce we have an abundance of, while not having the added pressure of producing a whole CSA box.
Once we get started growing this year, we will be applying to become producers for at least one of our many local REKO Networks, so I will definitely be keeping you up to date on our experience using the REKO Network.
Do you currently belong to a REKO Network? Please tell us about your experience in the comments below.
Stay Local,
Kathy & Jon
your friendly neighbourhood growers