You have probably seen this odd-looking veg at the farmer’s market or grocery store. Kohlrabi kinda looks like a turnip grown on another planet. An alien turnip, if you will. It is very unique looking, to say the least. In fact, that is one of the reasons why you...
Crops Articles
Spinach: More Than Just A Veg That Gets Stuck In Your Teeth
Spinach is an awesome, hardy vegetable that deserves more credit than being the green that embarrasses you as you run errands after eating a delicious salad at lunch. Seriously though, spinach is a popular, versatile crop that grows fast and should be a staple on...
Radishes: You Want These Cool Guys At Your Market Farm Party
Yes, radishes are popular! We witnessed their popularity first-hand last summer. As you may or may not know, we are starting a market farm this year (2021). Since we had started to plan last summer, we did some farmer’s market recon in 2020. This entailed heading out...
How To Tearlessly Grow Onions On Your Market Farm
Onions are one of those crops that you should be growing on your market farm. Onions are widely consumed by most families and can be sold throughout the whole market season. Mind you, they are not the most profitable crop around, but they are popular, and you can set...
Lettuce Tell You About This Profitable Market Garden Staple
Who doesn’t love lettuce? Seriously, salad is a staple on our kitchen table pretty much every night. Mixed in with some delicious onions, peppers, tomatoes, maybe some mushrooms, topped with a yummy homemade salad dressing. Mmmmmm….my mouth is watering just thinking...
Kale Yeah! You Should Grow Kale On Your Market Farm
If you are not growing kale on your market farm right now, you need to drop everything and go plant some. Do it. Right now. I’ll wait… Seriously though, kale is a workhorse of a crop and is super popular. I mean people wear shirts with “Kale Yeah” on them. It’s crazy!...
How To Grow Cucumbers For Profit On Your Market Farm
Cucumbers are one of those crops that you really ought to be growing on your market farm. If your goal is to make money with your market farm, cucumbers are where it’s at, as they are second only to tomatoes in terms of profitability. We will be learning from seasoned...
How To Grow Low Maintenance Swiss Chard On Your Market Farm
I will be the first to admit that Swiss chard is not my favourite green in the world. GASP! I know! To be honest, I find it a little bitter for my taste. So, why am I writing an article on how to grow Swiss chard, even though I don’t particularly like it? Well,...
What’s Up, Doc? How To Grow Carrots On Your Market Farm
Want to grow carrots that your customers love the way Bugs Bunny loves his carrots? Keep reading and I am sure you will pick up some great tips and tricks of the trade. We will be learning from a few experts in the market garden realm, including Pam Dawling...