Crops Articles

How To Grow Profitable Microgreens OUTDOORS On Your Market Farm

Once the growing season is well underway, you may find yourself strapped for time when trying to plant flats of microgreens indoors. This is what happened to Curtis Stone, as it was getting harder to find time to plant microgreens indoors, his demand was staying...

How To Grow Profitable Microgreens INDOORS On Your Market Farm

Microgreens have been growing in popularity over the years, so there is no better time to start growing and selling your own than now! I mean, who doesn’t love pea shoots? I for one, love fresh sprouts so I am very interested in growing our own, and hopefully not eat...
How To Tearlessly Grow Onions On Your Market Farm

How To Tearlessly Grow Onions On Your Market Farm

Onions are one of those crops that you should be growing on your market farm.  Onions are widely consumed by most families and can be sold throughout the whole market season. Mind you, they are not the most profitable crop around, but they are popular, and you can set...

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Kale Yeah! You Should Grow Kale On Your Market Farm

Kale Yeah! You Should Grow Kale On Your Market Farm

If you are not growing kale on your market farm right now, you need to drop everything and go plant some. Do it. Right now. I’ll wait… Seriously though, kale is a workhorse of a crop and is super popular. I mean people wear shirts with “Kale Yeah” on them. It’s crazy!...

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