How To Incorporate Fixed Expenses In Your Market Farm Budget

How To Incorporate Fixed Expenses In Your Market Farm Budget

In my last article, here, I explained how to track income and expenses on your market farm for your crop budget, without including fixed expenses. Well, it’s now time to complete the puzzle and incorporate those fixed expenses into your budget. To review, crop budgets...
How To Make A Profit As A Market Gardener

How To Make A Profit As A Market Gardener

“The biggest fallacy in farming is that there is no money in it.”  One of the most important tools in a farmer’s toolbox is financial planning and record-keeping. I know, not the most exciting subject in the world but oh so important if you want your farm to...
The Importance Of A Good Business Plan For Your Market Garden

The Importance Of A Good Business Plan For Your Market Garden

When you read the title of this article you might be thinking, “What? A farm doesn’t need a business plan. You grow veggies and sell them. What do you need a plan for?” If only it were that easy! The truth is, a farm is a business. As much as we may not want to...

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