You have probably seen this odd-looking veg at the farmer’s market or grocery store. Kohlrabi kinda looks like a turnip grown on another planet. An alien turnip, if you will. It is very unique looking, to say the least. In fact, that is one of the reasons why you...
Spinach is an awesome, hardy vegetable that deserves more credit than being the green that embarrasses you as you run errands after eating a delicious salad at lunch. Seriously though, spinach is a popular, versatile crop that grows fast and should be a staple on...
Want to grow carrots that your customers love the way Bugs Bunny loves his carrots? Keep reading and I am sure you will pick up some great tips and tricks of the trade. We will be learning from a few experts in the market garden realm, including Pam Dawling...
If you’re on the fence about whether or not to grow basil for your market garden this year, you have come to the right place! I will try to convince you to absolutely try and grow it, and as early as possible. Here’s the thing about basil: if you can have it...
Arugula is one of the most popular crops to grow for both chefs and for the farmer’s market. You can sell it on its own and/or put it into salad mixes. Much of the information in this article can be found in The Urban Farmer by Curtis Stone, the market gardener by...
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