I can't believe we are actually vendors at a farmers market! We set out to accomplish this goal last year, and it is awesome to see it come to fruition. I’m not going to lie, I was a nervous wreck the week leading up to our local farmers market. I had made a farmers...
Starting A Market Garden Articles
Step-By-Step Guide To Making Soil Blocks For Beginners (With Pics!)
This year, we are trying our hand at making soil blocks for starting our seedlings. We are brand new market farmers, beginners, just like you! The two main reasons we decided to use soil blocks are because we can decrease our use of plastics, as there are no plastic...
All About Soil Blockers: How They Work And Why Use Them
It is no secret that Eliot Coleman is a huge advocate of soil blockers and recommends using them wholeheartedly. We, as new market farmers, look for guidance from the experts who have successfully started a market garden and continue to grow beautiful, delicious...
How To Make Eliot Coleman’s Soil Blocking Mix For Soil Blocks
As you may or may not know, we are starting a market farm this year and we have decided to use soil blocks as our primary method of starting our seedlings. In order to give our seedlings the best chance possible, we are making Eliot Coleman's soil blocking mix from...
How To Seed And Achieve Successful Germination Using Soil Blocks
I must admit that I am particularly interested in successful germination because we just sowed our first seedlings in soil blocks a couple of days ago! It was our first time using soil blocks EVER and it was a bit of a learning curve, but I think we did OK! This being...
DIY Soil Sifter For Soil Block Potting Mix
We built a soil sifter! More accurately, Jon built a soil sifter! We will be outlining all the steps Jon took to DIY our soil sifter using mostly just materials we had on hand. We did need to purchase an inexpensive screen, unfortunately, we did not have one of those...
What Is Small Scale Farming?
If you are even so much as toying with the idea of becoming a market farmer, it’s a good idea to know exactly what small scale farming is all about. What pops into your head when you hear the words small scale farm? Is it a backyard chicken coop? Maybe a large...
How To Make Soil Block Trays For Your Market Farm
In order to reduce cost, as well as the number of plastics we're using on our market farm, we decided to make our own soil block trays for starting our seedlings this year. We made 3-sided and 4-sided seedling trays because we are not sure which design we will like...
Why The Number Of Frost Free Days Is Key To Market Farmers
If you plan to make a living off of growing vegetables, it’s in your best interest to know your number of frost free days in your area. As most vegetable crop development is referred to as the ‘days to maturity (DTM)', it’s vital you know how many frost free days you...