This past weekend, Jon and I visited one of the many fine roadside stands operating in Northumberland County and I have to admit, I felt like I was coming out of hibernation!
After a long winter of staying close to home, it was so awesome to go to a farm stand and get delicious, nutritious pea, radish, and sun sprouts. They were so good, like eating little bursts of energy.
Now I only knew about this roadside stand because I follow them on Instagram (P.S. it was @cedarhedgefarm). We actually drove right past it and had to turn around!
So this got me thinking, wouldn’t it be nice to have all of the roadside stand locations in Northumberland County in one place, so when we wanted a certain product, we could easily go out and get it, while still supporting our local growers and producers?
Well, that’s exactly what I set out to do with this extensive list of amazing roadside stands and markets located in our very own Northumberland County.
Northumberland County Roadside Farm Stands and Markets
In no particular order:
Burnham Family Farm Market
Open: May 1st to December
Hours: In-Store Monday to Sunday 12pm – 5:30pm
Curbside Pick up: 11am – 5:30pm
Location: 7760 County Rd. 2, Cobourg. Click here for map.
Goods Offered: Asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, peas, beans, sweet corn, apples, pumpkins, and more!
Selection of Ontario products such as: fruits and veggies, preserves, dairy products, fruit juices, and other treats.
A bakery with homemade pies, biscuits, squares, bread, buns, and more!
Phone: (905) 373-4578
Red Tractor Farm and Market
Open: May to November
Hours: 10am – 7pm (Self-serve)
Location: 10282 County Rd. 2, Cobourg. Click here for map.
Goods Offered: Seasonal veggies such as heirloom tomatoes, peppers, melons, squash, cucumbers, herbs, and more!
Rutherford’s Farm and Roadside Market
Open: April 16 to December, 7 days a week
Hours: 9am – 5 pm
Location: 205 King St. East, Colborne. Click here for map.
Goods Offered: Apples, raspberries, pears, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, pepper, Brussel sprouts, sweet corn, cucumbers, plants, hanging baskets, mulches, and more!
Phone: (905) 355-3024

Osland Farm Market
Open: Year round
Hours: Monday & Tuesday: 11am – 4pm
Thursday: 12pm – 5pm
Friday & Saturday: 10am – 4pm
Location: 4996 5th Line, Port Hope. Click here for map.
Goods Offered: Naturally raised beef & (lamb seasonal) from our farm; as well as locally raised chicken & pork; wild-caught sushi-grade salmon filets and cedar-planked salmon with an orange apple ginger sauce; farm fresh eggs; empire and artisanal cheeses; locally produced honey and maple syrup; natural immune-boosting supplements; pain management products; and more!
Phone: (905) 375-5365
Aird Family Farm
Open: Year-round
Hours: Winter Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10am – 5pm, Saturdays 10am – 2pm
Summer Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10am – 5pm, Saturdays 10am – 2pm
Location: 10481 Community Centre Road, Baltimore. Click here for map.
Goods Offered: Beef, eggs, chickens, maple syrup, seasonal veggies, pickled veggies, oil, vinegar, honey, coffee, and more!
Phone: (905) 376-0825
Cedar Hedge Farm
Open: Seasonally
Hours: Saturdays & Sundays 10am – 4pm
Location: 7612 Country Road 28 (hwy28), Campbellcroft. Click here for map.
Goods Offered: Eggs, honey, sprouts, greens, seasonal veggies, and more!
Phone: (905) 375-9488
Moore Orchards
Open: Year-round
Hours: Monday to Saturday 9am – 5pm, Sunday 1pm – 4pm
Location: 1497 Moore Orchard Road, Cobourg. Click here for map.
Goods Offered: Apples, strawberries, maple syrup, apple cider, apple cider vinegar, jams, and more!
Phone: (905) 372-3911
Forager’s Farm
Open: Seasonally
Hours: Thursdays 4pm – 6pm
Location: 3517 Rowe Road, Cobourg. Click here for map.
Goods Offered: Seasonal veggies, honey, candles, soaps, lip glosses, bagels, hot sauce, dressings, dips, and more!
Phone: (905) 926-7478 (Erin) and
(905) 999-3243 (Tyler)
Honourable Mentions
These are growers who intend to have a farm stand, but are still getting it all together!
Check their websites and social media regularly to stay up to date on their progress.
Open: TBA
Hours: TBA
Location: TBA
Goods Offered: Seasonally available lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, basil, parsley, kale, spinach, carrots, chard, onions, sprouts, radishes, and more (hopefully!)
Phone: (289) 251 – 9116
Did I miss anyone?
If you think you should be a part of this list or know someone who should be, please leave a comment and let me know.
I want this list to be as complete and accurate as possible and I will gladly add anyone who may be missing.
Want to visit some local farmers’ markets? Check out what Northumberland County has to offer here.
Thank you for continuing to support local growers, we very much appreciate it!
Stay Local,
Kathy & Jon
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Growers